PEPFAR Key Populations Investment Fund
Operating between 2019 and 2021, the Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF) is a two-year investment from PEPFAR, over and above the standard COP-funding, to enhance, intensify and accelerate interventions and services provided to so-called Key Populations. The fund is disbursed through USAID and/or CDC in select countries and is implemented through organisations identified to be Key Population (KP) competent. These KP-Competent organisations act as Principal Recipients of the grant, sub-granting in turn to LGBTIQ or sex worker organisations to deliver programme activities at community level.

Key Populations Investment Fund(KPIF) in proportion to PEPFAR COP
KPIF was a short-term top-up investment, over and above standard annual COP-funds, to amplify, reinforce and accelerate services, programmes and interventions aimed at Key Populations, primarily men who have sex with men and female sex workers.
Percentage of Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF) funds reportedly allocated to “KP-led or KP-competent local partners” (%)
In initial concept, KPIF was intended to make additional resources available more directly to Key Population-led organisations and LGBTIQ or sex worker membership organisations and associations, working with their respective communities at community level. Funds for health programme work, community mobilisation, advocacy, human rights and structural interventions would not trickle down to communities; instead KPIF had the original intention to release resource closer to the ground, and directly to community organisations, distinct from COP funds and standard COP funding mechanisms.